64. At-Taghabun - The Manifestation of Losses

1All whatever is in the heavens and all whatever is in the earth proclaims the Purity of Allah; His only is the kingship and His only is all praise; and He is Able to do all things.
2It is He Who has created you, so among you one is a disbeliever whereas another is a Muslim; and Allah is seeing your deeds.
3He created the heavens and the earth with the truth, and fashioned you thereby making you in best shapes; and towards Him only is the return.
4He knows all whatever is in the heavens and in the earth, and He knows all what you hide and all what you disclose; and Allah knows what lies within the hearts.
5Did not the news of those who disbelieved before you reach you? So they tasted the evil outcome of their deeds, and for them is a painful punishment.
6This is because their Noble Messengers used to bring clear proofs to them, in response they said, “What! Will humans show us the way?”; they therefore became disbelievers and turned away, and Allah acted independently; and Allah is the Independent, the Most Praiseworthy.
7The disbelievers alleged that they will surely not be raised again; proclaim (O dear Prophet Mohammed – peace and blessings be upon him), “Surely yes, why not? By oath of Lord, you will surely be raised again and you will then be informed of your misdeeds; and this is easy for Allah.”
8Therefore accept faith in Allah and His Noble Messenger and the light which We have sent down; and Allah is Well Aware of what you do.
9The day when He will gather you, on the Day of Collective Assembly – that is the day when the loss of the losers will be laid bare; and whoever believes in Allah and does good deeds, Allah will relieve him of his sins and admit him into Gardens beneath which rivers flow, for them to abide in it forever; this is the greatest success.
10And those who disbelieved and denied Our signs, are the people of the fire – to remain in it forever; and what a wretched outcome!
11No misfortune befalls except by Allah’s command; and Allah will guide the heart of whoever accepts faith in Him; and Allah knows all things.
12And obey Allah and obey His Noble Messenger; then if you turn away, know that the duty upon Our Noble Messenger is only to plainly convey.
13Allah – there is none worthy of worship except Him; and only upon Allah must the Muslims rely.
14O People who Believe! Some of your wives and children are your enemies, therefore be wary of them; and if you pardon and overlook and forgive, then indeed Allah is Oft Forgiving, Most Merciful.
15Your wealth and your children are just a test; and with Allah is a tremendous reward.
16Therefore fear Allah as much as possible, and heed the commands, and obey, and spend in Allah’s cause, for your own good; and whoever is rescued from the greed of his own soul – is they who will be successful.
17If you lend an excellent loan to Allah, He will double it for you and forgive you; and Allah is Most Appreciative, Most Forbearing.
18The All Knowing of all things hidden and visible, the Most Honourable, the Wise.